I am not sure I am posting this in quite the right place so mods please move if there is a better home.

The Frontline Club is not a blog but a club, in London, for Journalists which hosts regular events with invited guests or panel discussions followed by a Q & A. Not surprisingly there is an enormous overlap between what interests them and what we think about here. Events are filmed and placed online - you do need to register to watch videos but it is simple and free. One thing I particularly like is the generally informal nature of the meetings which seems to encourage much more candid anecdotes (and vernacular language) than you would get from the same people when they are writing for - or on camera for - their day jobs. The link below is to the events page where you will quickly get a feel for what they cover.

Enjoy and if you find something of particular interest please post on it.


I will start by recommending
Insight with Lt Col Stuart Tootal and Patrick Bishop: Can the British win in Afghanistan?

Insight with John Fisher Burns: The longest serving western journalist in Iraq


Insight with Clive Stafford-Smith: Defending terror suspects of Guantanamo