Having finished CGSC last year,we had about 7 classes (figure 21 hours) dedicated completely on COIN. We did some base analysis then looked at case studies in Malaya, Algiers and Afghanistan (1979). Now there were history classes which touched on COIN and I believe that counted towards the total hours. But there is no way you hit 200 hours of COIN instruction. I did take the COIN elective (A527). That consisted of somewhere around 12 class meetings totally dedicated to studying both the theory (Galula, Trinquer, etc) and practical applications. Additionally, the terrorism electives (A529 and A538), to me covered just as much COIN, if not more than the CGSC core course.

This is dated by about a year now. Regardless, I though that background report brought out some good points by highlighting the pluses and minuses of each argument. It also, however, gives the politicians the ability to spin the report any way they choose!