Quote Originally Posted by Ken White View Post
However, I do need to caveat what I said, just dawned on me I was too sweeping. What the President really meant was:

"...So you're correct -- how we do things now is not the way things should be done" adding in too many cases. However, in some few places and things we are belatedly doing what should be done and quite successfully (but we don't need to discuss those in the clear).

Proving that even large Elephants can pivot on occasion...

I can count to ten and ask for beer and cigarettes in both Mandarin and German but that's about it; along with limited proficiency in English, I guess I'm doomed to die unheralded -- but not just yet...
Before you do depart this mortal plane Ken, just know that after your departure (what, you couldn't stand us anymore?) we shall compile a book of quotations from your posts on the SWC, and publish it in Mandarin, German, English (or pidgin if you prefer), and Latin (for that "Classical" touch - unless you prefer ancient Greek of course), but not Esperanto. "Quotations From Dinosaur Ken"; now in what colour would you like your Little [fill in choice of colour here] Book to be bound?