
That's just what this little nation needs... Rebel leader Reinado was posturing a little while ago about taking out Aussie peacekeepers. Now this. I know it was a delicate situation when the "petitioners" went on the rampage in '06, but I can't help thinking a 5.56mm SASR pill back then may have gone a ways to defusing this situation.


Ramos Horta wounded, Reinado dead in Timor attack

East Timor's President Jose Ramos Horta has been shot in the stomach after fugitive rebel leader Alfredo Reinado launched a pre-dawn raid on his home in the capital Dili, military and government sources say.

An East Timorese military spokesman says Reinado was killed by return gunfire during the attack.

Mr Ramos Horta is undergoing surgery at an Australian military base in the capital, a presidential adviser said.

"President Ramos Horta was shot in the stomach and is undergoing surgery at the heliport," Agusto Junior told reporters.

The stomach wound appeared serious, neighbour Januario Freitas told Reuters.

"Two cars attacked President Horta's home at 4:30am (local time). The attack was carried out by Alfredo's group," military spokesperson Domingos da Camara said, adding that an East Timorese soldier was also seriously wounded in the attack.

Australian peacekeeping soldiers have cordoned off the President's residence.

There are reports as many as 20 people were injured during the gun attack.

A journalist at the Timor Post newspaper said ambulances could be heard driving back and forth carrying wounded to Dili's Hospital.

The President's office says it will release a statement later today.


Alchino De Silva, an Australian-born East Timor businessman, says there is a feeling of heightened anxiety in Dili but he is confident peace can be maintained.

"I think everyone will be shocked with this news," he said.

"We just hope, and I'm pretty much confident that the Australian presence here and the international peacekeepers can prevent any serious unrest here.

"They have the powers to act and to react to any danger."

He says he has been driving around Dili to get a sense of the atmosphere, and most people are not going to work today.

"There will probably be a few opportunities to create more havoc and more rumours about more attacks here and there," he said.

Factional bloodshed

Asia's youngest nation has been struggling to claw its way back to stability after plunging into chaos in 2006 when the army tore apart on regional lines.

The factional bloodshed two years ago killed 37 people and drove 150,000 from their homes, with foreign troops needed to restore order.

Reinado has led a revolt against the government and has been charged with murder during the 2006 factional violence.

Rebels loyal to Reinado fired on Australian troops patrolling near Dili earlier this month, an Australian commander said at the time.

Associate Professor Damien Kingsbury from Deakin University says today's attack could lead to protests and riots.

"I think what this will lead to, as soon as the information has been made public in Dili - and that will take several hours for that information to get around - but I think we're going to see some protests and probably some rioting and destabilisation," he said.

Australia's Governor-General, Major General Michael Jeffery, offered his best wishes to Mr Ramos Horta.

"[The news is] very sad, and I hope Mr Horta makes a speedy recovery," he told Fairfax Radio.


SPOT PRESS:::: - Apparently Reinado's mates had attacked Xanana Gusmao's place at the same time.

I can't see this ending well given the amount of support the petitioners have/had.