Quote Originally Posted by Rex Brynen View Post
No one here is arguing that Hizbullah's tactical performance was superior to (or even approached) that of the IDF. The issue, rather, was Hizballah's tactical performance compared to that of other militias in Lebanon (Amal, the PLO in 1982).

I also don't think the discussion has either been influenced by, or serves, Hizballah IO.
Sorry Rex. Didn't get that, but hey ho. I think we are all on the same side.

REF: The USA Today peice,

"It's not just counterinsurgency," said Rickey Smith, of the Army Capabilities Integration Center-Forward Office. "This was a wake-up call to all of us as analysts."

The study by the Center for Army Analysis, which provided an unclassified version to USA TODAY, stresses that guerrillas armed with high-tech equipment can fight a modern military force to a standstill.
Well some analysts must have been sleeping very soundly. The only thing I found surprising was the use of C-802 SSM.

The idea that a bunch guerillas with some nice kit, can fight a competent modern military force to a stand still is ludicrously simplistic, inaccurate and misunderstands the nature of tactical operations.