
I readily except all criticisms regarding my "construct". Words are important, so the use of "stasis" and near-perfect" information is dubious for supporting rigorous evaluation. I just lack the vocabulary/time to communicate clearly.

I would like to clarify that I have no illusion whether this model, if applied to a single actor, would necessarily predict behavior in a micro sense. "Rational" behavior is in the eye of the beholder, but at a Huntington-civilization level I propose that the effect of an ever-present info-sphere will dampen radical upheavals/flucuations if for no other reason that it becomes damn difficult for any single actor/group to maintain the illusion of an alternative "reality". Even the super-powered individual will have difficulties with "staying power"

I suppose we'll just have to agree that the mob is right and I'll wallow in my ignorance

Live well and row