Did some quick-and-dirty on this question for some lectures. Here's what I can unearth from those searches:

Armitage and Moisan, Constabulary Forces and Post-Conflict Transition (2005)

Gott, Mobility, Vigilance, and Justice: The US Army Constabulary in Germany, 1946-1953 (2005)

Harriott, Police and Crime Control in Jamaica: Problems of Reforming Ex-Colonial Constabularies (2000)

Godfrey, Reckoning with Force: Stories of the Jamaica Constabulary Force in the 1950s (1998)

Whitten, The Ulster Special Constabulary: The B Specials (c. 1970)

White, Bullets and Bolos: Fifteen Years in the Philippine Islands (1928)

Hides, Savages in Serge: The Story of the Papuan Armed Constabulary (1973)