In 8 Nov's Wall Street Journal - Review and commentary on recently released movie Jarhead - 'Welcome to the Suck'. Excerpt follows:

"... It's hard to think of a better way to sum up the antiwar films that have been exploding out of Hollywood for decades now. "Jarhead" is yet another movie about the depravity and uselessness of war. It's based on a memoir by the real-life Anthony Swofferd about his experience in the Marines during the first Gulf War. But producer Sam Mendes could have just as easily have been inspired by Michael Moore's 'Fahrenheit 9/11' or even Francis Ford Coppola's 1979 'Apocalypse Now'--which makes a brief appearance in 'Jarhead' as a film shown to the Marines in preparation for going off to war."

"It may surprise a few Hollywood execs that this isn't an easy sell in a post 9/11 America. In the Brooklyn, N.Y., theater where I saw 'Jarhead,' viewers were streaming out of the theater even before the film was over. What the viewers were hoping for was a rousing film portraying U.S. forces as the good guys sacrificing for a worthwhile mission, or at least, a sense of joy in the victory. But it never came. So on her way out, one woman protested for all to hear: 'They sold us [the movie] with prompted-up music, but then they gave us this.'..."