Quote Originally Posted by Rob Thornton View Post
I'd say there are at least two parts to that: the first might be whose responsibility is it by right?; the second might be whose is it by default, when the first is inadequate, or ambiguous, or simply left undefined? That can get tricky (political) real quick I think, and without commensurate authority that backs up the claim to responsibility the policy is left open to question, rebuke, and interpretation - its implementation can become one of willingness and produce ad hoc and uneven results.
Very true-- and the problem is, in many cases, yet again personality driven. If it is for example State's job to propose a policy and the NSC or President's job to announce or promulgate it and the GCCs job to execute it, what can and does happen is that the first two sluff or fail to do their part and the GCC can end up making policy by default, dragging the nation along with them in some cases. The GCC types are not inclined to endure a vacuum for long periods. Slippery slope and all that...
This brings up a host of other organizations from Service Title 10 responsibilities and functions, FORSCOM, HRC etc., to the role of the Joint Staff in supporting GCCs, to the role SOCOM plays in synchronizing GWOT efforts.
Quite correct -- and none of those are likely to sit on their hands well, either. My observation has been that all will do something, even if it's wrong.

I won't even address the Unity of Command problems that over activity at those levels can induce.
Is it mostly a matter of creating problems because either those HHQs don't know what they don't know, or is it they do know but don't care? I think its an important point, because if its the latter, then its a different type of friction to overcome.
Again in my observation, some of both -- personality dependent (and by that I mean not only the GCC Cdr but the appropriate Staff folks). It's also circumstance driven -- Centcom is unlikely to get in too much trouble outside Afghanistan and Iraq right now because of the heavy focus on those two theaters. SouthCom is probably really busy with Colombia, Venezuela and the Triangle -- but EuCom and PaCom have little to do. So-o-o-o...

ForsCom has always been a headquarters looking for a mission. One is confronted with the fact that a number of HHQs exist to justify Flag billets -- and that most FlagOs are not going to be content with doing little or nothing.
- first we have to look more then an inch deep at who we are selecting
Yea, verily...