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Thread: The Emerging "Neocon" Alibi on Iraq

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  1. #30
    Council Member
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    Nov 2007
    Boston, MA


    Quote Originally Posted by Ken White View Post
    I'm unsure what pendantic means but I think I agree with all that...
    It's a type. Should be pedantic. I don't know how to the adverbial form of "smart aleck."

    No, we don't part ways -- I wasn't clear. I agree that the consensus was that there were in fact WMD -- what I should have said was that they were not an immediate threat to the US. Just saying""...threat and WMD was accurate..." and tying threat and WMD together wasn't adequate to infer what I meant.
    If by immediate you mean imminent, I don't think you'll find much disagreement at any point in the debate's history. The neocon argument for preventative war is only novel in that it addresses threats that are not imminent.

    Your kidding, right? Neocon, shmeocon -- those squirrels and all other policy wonks are dangerous and should be pretty much ignored. I certainly paid no attention to that foolishness -- and my prception is that Bush did not either; he merely took aspects of their ideas because they were the only ones aho offered any idea of merit. DoD and the JCS sure did not.
    The Bush Administration probably hasn't executed Middle East transformation as ambitiously as neoconservatives might've hoped, but if Kristol and friends aren't principally about primacy and rollback, what are they for?

    The analysis would differ based on the determined need to act versus risks and potential costs. For example, if the issue was removal of Saddam, my take would be not worth it. If it were the removal of Saddam and the introduction of democracy in the region, my response would be "Better, but still not worth it."

    OTOH, if the issue were to be after 22 years of attacks and probes from the ME is a forceful response desirable, my response would be yes and the cost must be borne. If, in that case, Saddam is removed and a possibility (no matter how remote) of 'introducing democracy' in the region is included, that's just synergy and mildly beneficial icing for the cake; has little bearing on my goal.
    Enlarging the scope of the strategy aside, we're still going to come back to assessing risks and benefits. You're not going to find anyone try to argue against a God's honest gospel figure detailing the widely separated means with narrow variances, but if that were the case then why is that like the only juicy bit of scandal not being leaked by the President's critics in the national security interagency? It stands to reason that such an analysis either fails to offer clearly ranked options for policymakers or it simply doesn't exist.
    Last edited by Presley Cannady; 04-01-2008 at 09:47 PM.
    PH Cannady
    Correlate Systems


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