Quote Originally Posted by Watcher In The Middle View Post
All the activists shout about "No War For Oil", but will they say the same thing about Food?
I would argue that oil is food. And further argue that the activist “no war for oil” mantra is as misguided, as the center-right notion that oil (and thereby food) has nothing to do with this, and it is a war over religion/civilization/freedom/etc.

The lefty likes of Harper’s articles aside, I think this is a pretty good, systematic look at things:

'The Oil We Eat' Following the Food Chain back to Iraq
, by Richard Manning. Harper’s, 31 Jan 2003.

Food is politics. That being the case, I voted twice in 2002. The day after Election Day, in a truly dismal mood, I climbed the mountain behind my house and found a small herd of elk grazing native grasses in the morning sunlight. My respect for these creatures over the years has become great enough that on that morning I did not hesitate but went straight to my job, which was to rack a shell and drop one cow elk, my household's annual protein supply. I voted with my weapon of choice--an act not all that uncommon in this world, largely, I think, as a result of the way we grow food. I can see why it is catching on. Such a vote has a certain satisfying heft and finality about it. My particular bit of violence, though, is more satisfying, I think, than the rest of the globe's ordinary political mayhem. I used a rifle to opt out of an insane system. I killed, but then so did you when you bought that package of burger, even when you bought that package of tofu burger. I killed, then the rest of those elk went on, as did the grasses, the birds, the trees, the coyotes, mountain lions, and bugs, the fundamental productivity of an intact natural system, all of it went on.