It simply amazes me that elements of the Muslim world can demand an apology from the Pope, while killing innocent nuns, destroying property, etc. and somehow largely get away with it. They should be condemned in the western media for spoiled rotten brat behavior and scolded. We're dealing with a spoiled teenager mentality, not a great religion, and it needs to get framed that way. Western leaders collectively should aggressively demand apologies from clowns like the Iranian President when he stupidly threatens to exterminate Israel. We claim to have freedom of the press, but our media quakes in fear at the possibility of upseting the Muslim world, and handles them with kid gloves. Take the gloves off, they have.

We may not win their hearts and minds, but we darn sure should be able to bring the Western coalition together. We need more unity, and "if" worse comes to worse, then we collectively need to be prepared to take stronger, perhaps drastic, actions against our foes. That will require political will, and that is what we need to regain. Show the contrast in life styles, aggressively challenge and condemn their child like behavior, and demand apologies, and for a change put them on the defensive.