Quote Originally Posted by Umar Al-Mokhtār View Post

... you might point out to them also that their BAH and BAS are tax free as well. Military members do not pay for health insurance nor have “co-pays” when they go to sick-call. They do not have to participate in a retirement fund yet are guaranteed 50% of their base pay at 20.
Some strong points regarding BAQ/BAS, but then those soldiers (assuming there's room) could live on base literally free of charge. I think the Viet Nam era 50% is no longer...more like 40% at 20, but no longer a cap at 75% for 30 years TIS.

Quote Originally Posted by Umar Al-Mokhtār View Post
I have yet to hear of a company that pays 100% of your medical costs, provides you a tax free housing and meals stipend, and has a pretty generous retirement package that requires zero contribution from you.
I've yet to hear of a civilian company asking you to risk your life, or kill others in exchange for medical, dental, education, food (if you'd like to call it that). I reckon that is fairly generous

Well, there is Blackwater