Quote Originally Posted by William F. Owen View Post
At the risk of the stating the obvious, I think it's worth pointing out that the only reason why US SOF forces are associated with training and FID is a confluence of circumstances from the Cold War. - EG: SF used to train Guerillas, based on WW2 experience.

I cannot see anyone wanting to "train Guerillas" these days, but the need to train and sustain large numbers of security forces is a definite plus, but I cannot see any logical reason why this would be associated with SF/SOCOM, apart from the accidents of history.

Yes, I can see how one can make a very solid case (languages, skills etc) but the ability to train is inherent to a professional military. All officers and NCO's are, or should be trainers - in an ideal world, capable of training Indigenous forces for the equivalent role.

The reality is that culture and human needs, undermines this. But be aware the British Army went around the world, raising generally limited successful clones of themselves (India, Jordan, Pakistan etc) - and USSF themselves could be said to be descended from a British Army trained Unit!!

...however, if you just adopt the colour of the beret (Canadian Rifle Green) and not the mess silver, traditions and mess kit, it isn't quite going to be the same thing!
Great points; Really good analogy wrt to the British Army. I have to wonder if this those indigenous forces in the long run, had resentment for GB or supported them.
An ancient example of someone who was trained by a standing Army was that came back to bite them was The Battle of the Teutoburg Forest which took place in the year 9 A.D. when Arminius, ambushed and destroyed three Roman legions led by Publius Quinctilius Varus. Arminius had received a military education from Rome and had even been given the rank of Equestrian. How knew their culture and how the Romans operated. Just food for thought.