You're in your late 60s and have had just about enough of looking at Red Army Monuments in your home town. With little else to do as the government claims to be powerless in removing those offending objects, you rent a crane and pull the Sierra out yourself

TALLINN, May 23 (RIA Novosti) - A radical Estonian nationalist, known for his threats to blow up the Bronze Soldier statue in Tallinn last year, has dismantled two other Soviet-era war memorials in the capital, national TV reported on Friday.

Yuri Lijm, 66, hired a crane and drove it to Audentes University. He then removed two statues of Soviet World War II heroes and delivered them to the Estonian History Museum.

One of the monuments commemorates Soviet cadets of the Tallinn military school, and the other is a statue of the founder of Estonia's Communist party, Hans Poogelmann.

"I came here to do this because it is the responsibility of a citizen of Estonia. If the authorities are so helpless, I have to do this myself. It is our holy duty," Lijm said in a TV interview.

"Estonia still has too many these socialist monuments. I will definitely not stop until I clean Estonia of them. A period of cleaning out the trash has been declared in Estonia. I am cleaning out the red trash," he said.

Last spring, Lijm publicly threatened to blow up the Bronze Soldier statue in central Tallinn, but was later acquitted by a court.