I certainly understand those friction points. Fortunately those issues have been identified; unfortunately they were identified as early as 1990 and have not been addressed.

Tactical Psyop Detachments (TPDs) and TPTs work best when they live with the supported unit, so that they understand all of the mission and personnel dynamics, and can become deeply involved in the planning process.

As far as IO coordination goes, what can I say? Until there is a uniform policy that is enforced and funded, coordination will be haphazard. I feel sorry for both the TPT and the IO coordinator that may not even have had a chance to brief each other. In that situation the TPT will just roll out and try and think outside the box to assist the supported unit. Not the best situation, but proper training and a uniform IO policy would reduce the chance of making mistakes that can get people killed.

Of course all of this begs the question; Why isn’t there a Marine Psyop unit out there? If the Corps had its own Psyop unit(s) then they would be able to resource as needed. That would also cut down on the integration time that your average TPT needs to understand the Marine way of doing things. I speak both Jarhead and Doggy, but not everyone has that linguistic talent.