Quote Originally Posted by Multi-skilled Leader View Post
Your testosterone-filled comments are more defense mechanisms than arguments. You are the very FUNDAMENTALIST that demand everything fall into YOUR box EXCEPT when you’re talking. When you’re talking, you can be creative and you can define creativity, by your rules.

I bet you participants of this particular thread are the very small minds that play DEVILS ADVOCATE and RED TEAM ideas in a room full of creative thinkers. You see it’s easy to be an intellect that shoots ideas down in lieu of offering your own broadening, challenging, reflective and original ideas.
It's entirely possible to be "testosterone-filled" and still be an operational genius. Is there a fear of testosterone? (Testosterone-phobia?) While academia calls for rigor in examining "some" ideas, I find there is little place in it for those who "get it" on a visceral level, but are less able to process it intellectually.

At the end of the day, those are the guys you are going to have to ask to execute.

This post has inspired me to share that I am no longer even the slightest bit interested in pursuing further academic goals, except to improve my writing ability at work. I thank many of the folks here for helping me discover that.