Just two details:

Article 2.4 of U.N. Charter defines international law. I know that U.S.Americans have a strange relationship to international law, but that's as I said one reason for their drop of reputation.

Nobody should attempt to tell me that the present German government is Bush-friendly. It's not.
It consists of Schröder's SPD and Merkel's CDU. Merkel is chancellor now, but unable to do much or anything against the will of the SPD.
Merkel is playing nice, but does nothing that helps Bush. In fact, she's waiting for a Bush successor and merely avoids useless conflicts in the meantime.
She was a decisive obstacle to getting Georgia into NATO.
And yes, a better U.S. government might have succeeded in convincing us to let Georgia into NATO. But this one isn't trusted any more.
Prominent politicians of all parties have openly criticized Bush during the recent visit and expressed their expectation of improvement after the election. That has never happened before.
The French government is not truly US-friendly. Sarkozy is merely erratic, which yields some superficially U.S.-friendly actions.

Come on, I was asked to provide a list of failures, with the implied assumption that I couldn't. I provided a long list in few minutes of writing and thinking, but the responses are excuses, effectively denying that these are U.S. failures albeit I mentioned lots of high-priority political initiatives of the U.S. that failed.

Most of what I read here is a mix of

- "others are at fault"

- "Europeans are pussies" (which is an embarrassing misunderstanding of facts. The mere idea that the Europeans wouldn't have been powerful enough in the past years is a joke. Several European countries could have crushed Yugoslavia on their own.)

- some ignorance about realities, using interpretations which are solely accepted in the U.S. and irrelevant in 95% of the world.

- misinterpretation using a pre-fabricated opinion and ideology instead of accepting the words that I read as what I meant

That's quite disappointing, but it's also typical for military-related U.S.-dominated environments. It's quite easily possible to discuss such matters much more fruitful in other arenas, even with Americans.
This topic is really one that doesn't need much discussion. Most people easily agree. Just centre/right Americans have problems to understand it, as it collides with their fancy understanding of the USA.
Make the test. Travel around, ask foreigners whether they think that the reputation of the USA has declined and if yes about the reason.
You can actually go into forums on the internet. European or Australian ones for convenient English but few Americans.
Go into an English soccer/football forum, for example. Every forum has an off-topic are. Post your question about U.S. reputation's decline in a new thread. See what happens.