4 Jul 08: Police: Thief turned in car with chemicals
....A thief, well-knowm to the police department, reportedly stumbled onto the van sometime after 5 p.m. Thursday afternoon. Inside, he spotted styrafoam cups, wires and switches, and canisters containing an unknown chemical, police said.

Concerned that it was parked in a populated neighborhood, complete with a small Muslim school and a ballet studio, the career criminal did what he considered "the right thing." He drove the van to a desolate industrial neighborhood, where he parked it behind a Costco on 37th Street and the waterfront, near little-used piers.

He called a police officer he knew from a prior arrest and told him where to find it.....
Good story about the career criminal turned-terror watch, but just as interesting was the bit about the police forgetting about an arrested suspect's vehicle full of incendiary chemicals parked on a public street.