Quote Originally Posted by combatanalytics View Post
On a note of caution, I would not combine the obvious short comings of Effects Based Operations (EBO) as a short coming of using a systematic, well defined, repeatable, and well understood assessment process to help drive counter insurgency operations. FM 3-24, in order to be a good document to truly help commanders and staffs in the counter insurgency fight, needs a well understood, documented, and step-by-step assessment process to help military organizations track their progress, determine their successes, target their shortcomings, in order to provide counter insurgency operations a compass towards successful conclusion.
My personal experience of a systematic, well defined, repeatable, and well understood assessment process, is that it is of limited use, when carried out by human beings dealing with incomplete, changing and ambiguous data.

Some old guy called Carl Von something called it "friction" and I think specifically warned against trying to quantify it.

However, as someone passionate about military science and thought, I'd love to see you post of one these cards or some deeper explanation so we may better assess it.