I was going to stay out of this one, but...

Air Assault, Tom has a very good point regarding characterizing others opinions as whining -- I can't recall ever characterizing a comment by Tom or Ken as "whining", not to mention it really diminishes your point.

As for young LT Campbell, I took the position that I blame the sin more than the sinner -- I had great issue with the policy (DA) and those who promoted the policy than I did with 21 yr old who choose to chase a childhood dream he once thought beyond his reach.

While his comments showed a lack of maturity, I have always wondered why USMA failed to see that their "product" came out emotionally/socially stunted. LT Campbell's comments merely supported that perspective.

Perhaps the difference in how you and others define the "big picture" is likewise a matter of perspective.

I can tell you this, and i think it is most telling-- My wife (I married far better than she did) was watching TV with me when we first became aware of the policy and LT Campbell. Her reaction (a 20 year Army wife veteran) was visceral. She was offended and couldn't understand why an exception was being made in this and other cases.

In a world of shades of gray -- she is quite the moral compass. They got this one right in the end.

Live well and row