Quote Originally Posted by Ron Humphrey View Post
Wow did you really say that? I wonder how many of the Czechs or Slovak people would view that.
Virtually all of them.

After a transition period of roughly four years, during which the relations between the states could be characterised as a "post-divorce trauma", the present relations between Czechs and Slovaks, as many people point out, are probably better than they have ever been.

No movement to re-unite Czechoslovakia has appeared and no political party advocates it in its programme. Political influences between the countries are minimal. Trade relationships were re-established and stabilized. After a short interruption, Slovakia's mountains are again the target of a growing number of Czech tourists.

Quote Originally Posted by Ron Humphrey View Post
I know this is an opportunity you've been looking forward to to be able to say just this,
When you're outnumbered, patiently waiting in an ambush is often the best tactical response. If you understand the situation, sometimes you don't need to wait very long, but since no one charged it, I have to assume that it wasn't a near ambush.