I was happy as can be when I was patrolling dangerous streets with a bunch of 18-year-olds carrying assault weapons. Granted I was single and op tempo pretty much guaranteed that I would remain so (one year in Iraq, then one year in the field or at a training center, preparing to go back, repeat...), but I was willing to spend years on end in Iraq. I loved being an Infantry Officer and could see the contributions that we made almost everyday. When my "career progression" required that I move to a job behind a desk and do PowerPoint slides, I put in my separation paperwork. That was the motivation for many of my peers, as well. Retention bonus? Just give me my old job back. There are plenty of individuals who don't like the dangerous work and are willing to change the headings of the tables on the slide and make the colors more vibrant. I'm not one of them. Because of that, I'm no longer a Soldier. There are plenty others like me.