Hi everyone,

While I am hardly Charles Moskos, prior to the invasion of Iraq, I did a piece in 2003 for HNN on Rangel's earlier suggestion that a draft be reinstated.

"Why We Should Consider Bringing Back the Draft"

I'm ambivalent about conscription, as it will not be a magic bullet for our military and strategic problems but it is something that should be considered in combination with other approaches ( like simply raising new divisions of volunteers in the ground forces).

Aside from the question of utility, as a serious infringement upon personal liberty, the American public will only accept a draft if they see a clear and direct need for one. I'm highly skeptical that there is sufficient trust in the government or a sense of urgency in the public mind today, to make conscription politically acceptable.

Many of the advantages to our current situation that would have accrued from a draft required implementation circa 2002, not in 2007. To an extent, this is a debate among politicians about who can close the barn door with the most flourish.