
It is advanced training and qualification that makes MEU units special operations Capable.

Special Operations Training Group trains two Marine Expeditionary Units and the security element from the 31st MEU every year to certify the MEUs as Special Operations Capable. Their courses range from specialized demolitions and close-quarters battle to vehicle assault and assault climbing.

In a recent SOC training schedule:

Objectives the Marines were evaluated on included, but were not limited to, a Noncombatant Evacuation Operation (NEO), a mechanized raid, a boat raid, and an airfield seizure. In addition, SOTG presented on-call challenges, including, but not limited to, Tactical Recoveries of Aircraft and Personnel (TRAP), mass casualty drills, recovery of displaced American citizens, floating mines, and hostile water and aircraft. The Marines performed these missions in only a five-day period.

Though the Marine Corps' other six MEUs re-qualify as SOC every 18 months.