Branch did not show up this week, so we're still waiting, but from the stats, I am a good candidate for a MiTT, and speaking with guys in classes ahead of me, this no BAH for single officers is an issue of contention. If I get selected, I would at least like an explanation, other than, because we said so.

You can justify anything by arguing that the Army can do what it wants, you're doing fine, and it could always be worse, but that is not a reason for a MiTT exclusion from BAH. Majority of guys on these teams are not volunteers, and if you're sending them, why should the guy next to you wearing a ring make $10K+ more, just because he has a ring. I understand he has a family, but does any other "employer" outright pay married more? What if his family is living with his/her parents, and banking the money? Unfair or discrimination, whichever, it is what it is.

I doubt it will change though. I know a few CPTs who got out because of their MiTT experience, and I would think unnecessary additional kicks to the junk would not make that situation improved.