First, I think it is undeniable that AQ is pushing into Africa (nor is this a new development). The character of Islam varies in every region of the world just as the character of communism varied throughout the world, but regardless there are several Islamic extremists throughout Africa, especially in the North, but also in Northern Nigeria where they are enforcing a form of Sharia law. How can anyone deny the radical threat from Tunisa, Algeria, and Morocco to Europe? Additionally a great number (if not the majority) of foreign fighters going to Iraq to fight our coalition are from various parts of Africa (both the Horn and EUCOM's area).

Second, the next "major" war could be very well be over natural resources ranging from water to uranium to various metals to fossel fuels. Africa will be play a role, a role that China already foresees. China is investing heavily in Africa to gain influence, and they probably have a more realistic strategic outlook than we do in Africa (while we have the most talented strategic thinkers in the world, their influence is muted by our election cycles, it is hard to explain how important Africa "might" be our economy 20 years from now, when many voters can't afford health insurance today).

Third, the war against AQ is a war of ideas, if we're not there to show another way of life, we're handing a "future" bread basket to AQ. Yes, much of African now a basket case, but the potential there is limitless. As we all know Africa consists of several different nations, and several of them are developed and others are developing successfully. Africa is not a continent without hope, and I believe I'm being a realist when I state that.

The bottomline is that Africa is important now and will gain in importance in the out years. Does that mean we need a separate command? While I think a command solely focused on Africa with its own pots of money (that won't get diverted to Eastern Europe, Russia, etc.) is definitely a step in the right direction, I do have concerns on who the bill payers will be. That is a lot of senior officers, contractors, and enlisted personnel. It will become another regional command competing for money and forces in a time where both are getting harder to come by.

I don't necessarily think we should bite off on this unilaterally, but perhaps look at forming something along the lines of a NATO south like entity (Europe should be an equal bill payer for forces and dollars with the exception of France which continues to cause harm and resentment throughout much of Africa). This organization should incorporate the numerous African Regional organizations, with a focus on enabling them. This has been one of our strategies for some time (it isn't something I invented), but it has been grossly underresourced, and not popular enough politically in the U.S. or Europe to get the resources needed. Of course in the meantime China continues to increase its influence in the region. I'm not looking at China as an enemy, but as a serious economic competitor. If we don't have the political will, then we shouldn't waste our resources trying, but I hope we're not asleep at the wheel.