Quote Originally Posted by COMMAR View Post

W. F. Owens, fr/ the little I know about Brit formations the Squads are design to operate pretty tightly together, under the control of the PLT CO.

Marine Squads operate much differently, much looser, the control of a Sqd fr/a SqLdr a Plt Cdr less of a direct control & is designed to be more fluid, more independent over a much larger area.

So W.F.O, its my take that when you visualize RJ explain to you about a separated SqLdr your visualizing a Brit Manuever w/ the Plt Cmdr exhibiting tight control over the Squads in his Plt.

Your not visualizing a USMC style Manuever, w/more men & more dispersion, covering much more ground where the SqdLdr is acting more like a Plt Cmdr throughout the Manuever.
Interesting. Obviously the level of fluidity or control is product of training, experience and even personality. UK Platoons also operate as Multiples, of 12-20 men in fire teams, either under a Sgt or Plt Cmd so are near identical to USMC 3 x 4 squads.

Point being, the organisation is subservient to the training and leadership. So my start point is how do you organised ANY given number of men, with any mix of weapons, to gain the levels of control you require to perform your mission. - and not many folk ponder than question.