Quote Originally Posted by J Wolfsberger View Post
As an alternative to Ralph Peters' five options, see Tell Me Why We’re There? Enduring Interests in Afghanistan (and Pakistan), by Nathaniel C. Fick, David Kilcullen, John A. Nagl, Vikram J. Singh.

Maybe it will spark a discussion of what our strategy should be.
I'll start it out since i so enjoy over-simplifying anything

Move to largest cities with sufficient training forces for pol,army,NP,etc and sufficient security to let you focus on that training(add development,ed,etc)

Establish larger FOB-like bases in or around villages along the border where you have been able to find those who really want change and are going to work with you.

ISR up like crazy and focus on agro development, security, and training.
Find those who can influence change in those areas and enable away/ keep them safe. Wack a mole when or if you have to but make sure you know which mole your wackin Find out who got screwed in the past (a result of our lack of followthrough after helping them kick out the Russians, and do whatever you can to "make it right" within the context of societal norm / acceptable to our norms.

pay them more to grow something else than T pay them for opium , set it up for future dependance on the new product so that in the future the overall prices can and will revert to norm.

Look for any area where you can coop passive support for enemy movements but don't waste time trying to coop active support. Instead the aforementioned actions should help to either move them towards passive or put them sites either way works just one more permanent and painful than the other.

For God's sake get your leadership both military and political on a common theme (whether they all agree or not) it'll at least cut back on consistant bickering in the public forum and allow for more meaningful actions in the private communications.

Say what you mean, mean what you say, and make sure theres sufficient reason for them to believe you.

Let the enemy have to move and plan, watch their back and always be looking over their shoulders. Let them know where your at but make sure their visit won't be a pleasant one.

And most of all don't grow so big that those who need to grow can't because there's

1- no need
2- no incentive