continues here and here. Besides giving one a warm, fuzzy feeling, both articles provide an interesting factoid:

(from the first link)
Jaralla Saleh Mohammed Kahla al-Marri, a Qatari, said he had been held at the Colnbrook Immigration Removal Center since Monday over a visa irregularity.

In a telephone interview from the center, al-Marri said he couldn't understand his treatment. He said he traveled to Britain a few weeks ago without problems to take part in a speaking tour about his experiences at the prison camp.

"They said 'We didn't know you were in Guantanamo,'" al-Marri said "All the world, they know. (The British government is) the last to know? It's a shame."

Al-Marri was detained by U.S. forces in Afghanistan in 2001 on suspicion of links to the Taliban and al-Qaida. But no charges were ever brought against him.

His brother, Ali al-Marri, is currently being held in the brig at Charleston Naval Base, in South Carolina.
Of course, none of these folks (plus Moazzam Begg, also mentioned) have any pre-Gitmo links - just a reunion of former Gitmo detainees who want to sit over tea and biscuits (cookies). And, I have a bridge to sell ......