Thank you for the indepth explaination. My apologies, for being terse and a little edgy. I think I'm becoming a curmudgeon.

I really appreciate the peek at this new concept. It is an eye opener. The Afghan War will be the proving ground for this application of force by Squad sized units..

With the ability to call upon Artillery and Air will really multiply the Squads impact and in turn the wider dispersal of Squads will allow a Platoon do the work of a Company, or even a Battalion if the stars are lined up right..

The Second Marine Division is standing up a Marine Expeditionary Brigade for Afghanistan this Spring/Summer and I hope some of the units in that MEB will employ the concepts listed above.

And the US Army is sending its first Stryker Brigade there as well.

Interesting times. A lot of new "stuff" to get the wrinkles
smoothed out.

The Fires Coordinator, Combat Lifesaver and Squad radio operator now make sense.

Thanks again!