Surferbeetle, you are welcome.

About snipers. I do like the definition by Mark Spicer.

Sniping is the employment of individual shooters from concealed positions with no warning, from any distance, depending on the range of the weapon. This is not to say, of course , that to maximize the chances of sniper surviving to fight again, the longer the distance between him and the victim the better. Conversely, if the sniper is able to conceal himself and endage successfully at close range, then that is also sniping.
from this book, page 18.,M1

This definition saysnothing about high-end LRP's, communication equipment, .338 rifles, Zeiss optics etc. February number of British Combat and Survival covers topic "Insurgency sniper vs Western sniper"

PS Finnish II WW sniper Häyhä shot his shots using rifle without optics.