Quote Originally Posted by milnews.ca View Post
...why there would be such a difference in content between the English and Arabic statements by the Taliban highlighting the same (alleged) event? More details here - happy to hear the range of theories. Mine, literally off the top of my head:

1) Misunderstanding between writer & translator.
2) Different versions written in isolation using same fact base given to different writers.
3) Poor command of English on part of translator = mixing up Brits & Americans.
4) A typo on one or the other version.
5) When you making stuff up anyway details really are that important
6) It might reflect the greater personal angst by either one of the authors or translators against their personal favorite target

What one might be able to infer is that the incident and its reporting where adhoc reactionary and thus didn't allow for proper prep time.
Gotta get it to print

Then again theres always
7) your guess is as good as mine