Hi Folks,

SWJ's own Frank Hoffman joined Bellum for some Q&A, had this to say about the US Navy's role in the world's oceans:

I don’t not buy into the idea that the global commons is an American lake, nor do we have the sole obligation to defend it from all potential users or threats. This self-licking ice cream cone of a concept is useful to proponents of American hegemony and to justify a large Navy, but it’s not in touch with reality...we would be well served to remember that we are simply the most powerful of many regional powers and that every new boat christened is not a threat to America.

Love to hear thoughts, perhaps in the context of the aircraft carriers India and China are pursuing. It strikes me as wholly unrealistic that we can or even should prevent other countries from developing their respective navies; it might even be a good thing?

The ramblings of a civilian layman...
