Personally - I'm getting sick and tired about all the hand wringing, mandatory training, and force-fed info about suicide.

Especially since the folks who push it are a combination of the perpetually hyper-sensitive weepy types, and the risk averse PC - bull#### types who push it not because they give a crap, but because suicide in their unit would make THEM look bad.

We will never win a war because we have a low suicide rate. Or high suicide awareness, whatever the hell that is.

I think this issue is overplayed. Way overplayed. And stuff your "but every life is precious!!!!" crap. Frankly, to me, suicide is the ultimate act of self-centeredness.

And suicide is a symptom, not a cause. But by consistently treating the symptom, we can receive absolution for not solving the cause.

Suicide awareness has been so completely over-sold that it has reached the level where it has become background noise, and frankly, just another training distraction, imo.