Quote Originally Posted by AmericanPride View Post
In what sense? I'd imagine that 'post-1945' Arab Nationalism was 'firmly rooted' in pre-1945 Arab Nationalism, which had been developing since the start of the century. On the one hand, you say that the "creation of Israel [as] the primary source of Pan-Muslim discontent is utter rubbish", but then on the other, you claim that Arab Nationalism is founded in National Socialism, which specifically targeted Jews as a part of its program. I don't imagine the creation of a Jewish homeland in the midst of an awakening 'nationalsocialist' community would be anything but at least a source of discontent.
Arab Nationalism in it's "post 45 iteration" was steeped in National Socialist Language. Hitler had supported the regime in Iraq and various Arab independence movements (pre-1945). Modern Bathism is closely related to National Socialism. Add to this that Muslims in the Middle-East had a major axe to grind with Europeans, with or without the existence of Israel.

Quote Originally Posted by George L. Singleton View Post
I think he is confusing reactions, negative, to Israeli attacks into Lebanon with whole broad topic of anti-semitism.
I am in no way confused about any aspect of anti-semitism, based on long and intimate knowledge, nor have any problem differentiating it from anti-Israeli expressions or even the disguising and evolvement of anti-Semitic activities into new forms questioning Israels' right to exist.

Quote Originally Posted by MikeF View Post
Back in April or May of 2003, I was having lunch with my interpreter at his house. I asked him why he (Arabs) hated Jews so much. He burst out laughing, and he explained that Arab-Muslims don't hate Jews they only hate the state of Israel. Whether that grievance is real or perceived, it is how he thinks.
But Mike, "Arabs" are not one homogeneous group with one opinion. Some have no problem with Jews, but a very substantial proportion have centuries of enmity and hatred towards Jews, for all the same invented reasons, that the Europeans did.