Thanks for the PM. I'm going to make contact with them today. CF has a couple of the capabilities (or similiar ones), but they keep it close hold (for good reason). However some of the stuff you mentioned I think will go to good use, if not immediately, then in the very near future.
I'll borrow Bill's use of 3GW & 4GW to describe some of the problem. The IA understand the AIF (anybody who works to undermine security & stability). However, they have one foot on the 3GW side of the door and one foot in the 4GW side of the door. The AIF operate on the 4GW side, the CF operate on the 3GW side (although we are getting better all the time). This has created a conflict of interests. Its hard to resource 4GW solutions when the resource holder is looking through 3GW goggles. Also when interacting with CF, many of the IA leaders must use the 3GW translation box because that is what they have come to expect from CF. I think we may be on the way to a remedy, right now I've seen bits and pieces on several threads.
The header - ref. Bluetooth is something I meant to mention before. Understanding the cultural importance of cell phones is important. It is a status symbol. The ISF & AIF understand it, the CF ledership doesn't (however, I think the Joes do - especially the young ones).
What if you wanted to get your message across in a way that was cheaper then printing; featured more content and context then combining images and the written word; was more secure in some ways then posting to a site where others could monitor it or track it; took advantage of a cultural value system that ensured trafficability; could be passed on like a viral contagen? Well, high tech cell phones with Bluetooth allow for that, its even more potent when combined with a social culture where people interact on the streets and the mosques.
I've had IA soldiers show me incredible videos that I think are unlikely to have been obtained from anywhere else besides cell phone to cellphone contact. Mostly it ammounts to belly dancing or something close to it. They also share video from contacts, or from the aftermaths of contacts - the other day one showed me a horrific scene from a SVBIED attack. I've seen some bad stuff out here, but it never occurred to me to film other then those things I wanted for evidence or tactical relevance. These kids however focused on different things - I think it has allot to do with living on and off in a war state for 26 years (for some of these guys it means they were born in it). The videos spread like an epidemic, but primarily through their target audience. Occassionally it hits a neutral, which allows for some degree of deniability when questioned about the videos prescence - looking at the contents of the cell phone is a common and well known TTP used by both sides. Ask any Iraqi who must travel through non secure areas and they will tell you.
I think we need to acknowledge the relevance of these cultural technologies and reinforce our host nation partners (resourcing, coordination and synchronization) that fits. We have a tendency toward bias based on our belief in our tech superiority; the, "How could this be better then what I have?" While our tech can give platform resoultion to those friendlies loaded in a database to include grids to 1 meter, speed, altitude, currency value, etc.; they cannot circumvent the AIF's ability to collect & dissimininate raw information at cell phone speed without tearing donw all the cell phone towers and thus disrupting all civilian communication such as emergency, etc. - chaos

BTW on our use of technology as it applies to a host nation that does not have nearly the same compatible tech

-never give a 10 digit grid to a IA patrol, just get them to the intersection, or a good 6 digit grid that makes sense. The IA like GPS if we can get them one that is easy to use, functions soley of AAs or a recharger - but don't send a 10 digit grid - I don't even like 10 digit grids

- Don't tell an IA patrol to go to a location and check out an IED or SVBIED with an exact grid and expect them to go and do that while your million $$ UAV looks for them to do so. They are not stupid and they have no ECM, nor are they EOD or have EOD capabilities except perhaps at some DIV levels. People who go and look for IEDs without ECM and EOD usually only do it once. How may times have I gotten a rado call from a CF partner that was miffed because the IA did not go to the grid while their UAV circled it. What the IA would do is go to a location where they can observe, then when theyare saisfied, they will go check it out. Oh, and remember their IA HMMWVs are 1025 rebuilds with LVL 2 armor, no FRAG 5 kits, and most patrols don't have NVGs or any of the really cool thermals we do either. They will tackle a problem IAW their capabilities.

-Don't get miffed when your IA counterparts are having a hard time doing a LU with you because you gave them a 10 digit grid and they are having a hard time finding you in the back alleys while you stare at a screen with DTED 5 or better imagery with blue icons wondering why you can find the link up point so easy and they can't.

-Don't name OBJs for combined operations after American Cultural things that offer no realtivity or significance in Arab culture - we pick our naming conventions because they work for us. Intead pick something everbody understands like colors or something. Same with routes - telling an IA patrol to meet you on RTE MCDONALDS and giving them directions from RTE WENDY'S because that is what is on your classified secret BFT screen or non-relasable except to CF pocket map is wasting time; instead learn the names of the local roads and land marks that these guys grew up with, its ususallypretty easy.

-Don't use the UAV to give an IA patrol on the ground directions when it goes through an E-5 analyst at a BDE TOC who is talking to an E-4 RTO at the BDE TOC who is talking to an E-4 RTO on BDE net at a TF TOC who is telling a NBQ'd CPT Battle CPT who is looking at a map and telling another E-4 RTO on the TF Net who is calling the MiTT team who is trying to relay directions that are now at least 60 seconds old to a guy walking the ground through the Iraqi RTO on a motorola at 0200 trying to find a guy the UAV spotted running away from X altitude from an IED attack that took place 45 minutes ago. Its a dumb idea. Instead use an interpreter and call him on his really cool cell phone.

OK - I've ranted enough, but I think its worthwhile to reinforce the point with some other examples.

Happy New Years. So far a quiet day here. We're sharing some cultural roast turkey and beef with our IA counterparts today- deep frying the turkey breasts. The IA are going to bring the sides. AFN football in the late evening (8 hours between here and the E. Coast). Here is to a New Year's that bring more security and more stability to a place where many people I believe deserve it. May God bring us all a good 2007.

regards, Rob