Quote Originally Posted by RTK View Post
Anyone used Google Earth in conjunction with SIPR SIGACTS on a local computer to conduct pattern anaysis? Does anyone else see the utility in this?

I know that there is a system coming online which is similar to Google Earth for SIGACT tracking as I tested it for the Army in October. However, has anyone used existing technologies to do the same thing in the interim?
Having used GE, Falconview, and C2PC, I would not use GE as a stand-alone SIGACTS platform. I haven't seen functionality like you have on Falconview, which is actually a pretty easy piece of gear to use and is almost a must these days for ops in an urban environment.

I use GE currently as a training tool, where I produce SIGACTS overhead views as a product given out with FTX opords (developing the enemy sit). It's met with acceptance because the training audience knows they'll have to work with near-real time imagery in the future.

I'm not sure a GEOINT guy is necessary for integration into current ops. It would be a nice thing, but we've pulled a lot of capability out without even tapping into heavy GIS. I hear what you're saying Jedburgh, just believe a lot of capability is already there.

It's pretty easy to tie this stuff into Kilcullen, but that's for another post (and likely lengthy).