I downloaded the CMAP stuff today and will dig through it at some point. I'm sure there are going to be plenty of gems in it, but the greatest problem I can foresee getting it loaded onto our silly NMCI machines.

Although each company HQ should have access to a deployable laptop, I begin to wonder if we have shot ourselves in the foot during the information war aspect of the current fight, by limiting ourselves to "approved" tools and AIS. I mean, I could see it right now. Motivated company commander goes to his S-6 and says that he wants the CMAP stuff loaded onto his laptop, but the S-6's hands are tied because these tools weren't on the approved list of software for the deployable seat. Despite their enabling capabilities, they could require a lengthy approval process which in turn prevents timely training and use, and thus said company commander finds himself stuck with a tool that is perhaps 5-6 years old and actually archaic.

That's an unfortunate reality of the cumbersome AIS blanket we wear with NMCI. Does anyone have any experience with streamlining this process through the appropriate waivers?