Interesting article, if one overlooks the "socialist" site, on the current situation in Pakistan vis-a-vis the Pushtuns:
Apologies for not being able to link this, but here is the site/article

Two million rendered refugees by fighting in Pakistan
By Vilani Peiris
25 May 2009

"There is virtually no independent reporting from the conflict zone, but from all reports fighting has been fierce, with Pakistani military forces using F-16 fighters, helicopter gunships, and heavy artillery to bomb, blast, and strafe suspected insurgent positions with little, if any, concern for civilian life."

Wonder why the double standard when it comes to human life: When there is an airstrike by USAF in Herat (which caused civilian casualties, many being used as human shields by "Taliban") there is an uproar and demands for US apologies etc. Yet, when the Pak --Punjabi/Mohajir--led military engages in relentless, and indiscriminate, bombing with artillery etc. in Swat, Buner etc, causing more casualties that the MSM is reporting (in their defense, their access is restricted) they are cheered on.

Al Qaeda has got its wish ...Pushtuns have been suckered and now pay the price for their misplaced "hospitality."