
I am currently training to become an HTS Team Lead, and I can see many uses for an academic with an Art History degree in COIN.

One of the concerns for our current upcoming deployment, is determining what cultural sites, native art and historical artifacts are located in our future area. The reason for this, is to show concern for and the perception that we are focused on preserving the local area's historical past which will hopefully assist in producing good will with the locals and indicate that our intent is not to steal their heritage.

A lot of times, the locals don't even know they have cultural artifacts in their area, but if you raise their awareness, they may be eager to claim the cultural history of their locale. Assisting them with this can lead to inroads into the folks who make decisions and wield power within the local polity.

Also, some of the best Army Leaders I've met were Art History majors.

Depending on how far you are from graduation, I would definitely consider studying the cultural artifacts from potential conflict areas. There is plenty of ground to be covered there up to the PhD level.