My battalion is (probably) going to return to Afgh this autumn.

From the last time, the big 'take away' was not to rely on any form of external specialist augmentation. Simply not enough experts to go around - and they're problably expert in the wrong thing for your needs at company level.

Given the likely nature of our tasks - company 'ink spot' efforts within an BG AO, and limited scope for meaty BG level manoeuvre, we've elected to convert our Recce Platoon into ISTAR Sections for the Company Groups. Each recce sect will have tac-intel, tac-questioning and other skill sets trained into it, above and beyond their surveillance and recon training.

ISTAR Sects will work shifts, with about half beasting the int picture, collating and sifting the rifle pl patrol reports and various other feeds. The other half will be out on the ground with the rifle multiples or on pre/post op sensor type tasks. They'll alternate between roles with staggered handovers, so that the guys doing the link analysis, putting the target packs together and the patrol briefs and debriefs will also be going out on the ground, chatting people up and keeping all patrol activity 'int-led' and collection focussed.

So far so good in terms of training and prep. The guys have also grasped the nettle big-style, realising the nature of the effort there. Not, repeat, NOT HUMINT of any form, merely good old fashioned, focussed Int Led Ops.

Will let you know how it progresses. But following Kilcullens '28 Principles', recommendation of putting your best soldier in the int jobs, its what we're doing - in a manner that keeps their other skills employed. If its successful, we'll look at keeping it a permanent capabilty.