4) Ignores history

"His ill-conceived effort to deny Al Qaeda and the Taliban "safe havens" in Pakistan - through drone aircraft bombing and special forces' assassination and torture"

After reading the Russian General Staff's The Soviet Afghan War: How a Superpower Fought and Lost, along with Bear Went over the Mountain : Soviet Combat Tactics in Afghanistan and Afghan Guerrilla Warfare : In the Words of the Mujahideen Fighters, I had the impression that a major problem was that Pakistan served as the safe haven for the mujahideen, its logistical supply line and its advocate on the world stage. This is very similar today, except the Taliban's CaC is in Quetta, Pakistan and the absence of a broad national resistance to the invaders, amongst other things.

I would argue (and I believe nearly everyone here) that one can learn from mistakes made in previous wars and conflicts (hence lessons learned seminars, studies and publications) so the mistakes made are not repeated. The lessons Petraeus learned in Iraq are then applicable to an extent. Iraq is dissimilar to Afghanistan, with the main characteristic they share (thin at best) is that they are 'fake' (drawn up by Europeans, not reflective of tribal identity, cultural heritage or religious denominations) Muslim nations, with Muslim being loose as Iraq is predominately Shia and Afghanistan predominately Sunni. I heard this a number of times at Ft. Leavenworth when I was there researching my exhibition for honors the past six months.

I could go on about how he again contradicts himself when Branfman says
"By attacking Pashtuns in both Afghanistan and Pakistan, Petraeus is increasing local support for a radical Islamic entity combining 13 million Afghani and 28 million Pakistani Pashtuns located on either side of the artificial Durand Line dividing Afghanistan and Pakistan" but I really do not have the patience to take any more writing about how contradictory and unsound that article was. Really, if it is the border is an artifical line seperating peoples of the same tribe and Qwam in instances, then why would we expect anything else? Recent history would predict this, from Iraq to the former Yugoslavia where once an oppressive government fell, ethnic groups wanted independent states.

There are many more contradictions, illogical statements and assumptions without evidence intended only to inflame the anti-war left, but I have run out of steam and patience after 150 minutes of writing about his article.

Why didn't I listened to Hacksaw.. wasted time
*links are just to verify where I got the quotes, old habit from Debating
**I apologize for the long post, but I got carried away before I stopped