Wait to you actually procure it. Then we'll have to as well in order to maintain 'interoperability'. Only in order to preserve UK jobs, we won't just buy your model. Oh no. We'll build the declassified parts under licence in different small potting sheds in obscure parts of the British Isles, in key electoral constituencies. Then bring in a (US) contractor to work out why they don't work when they're all put together. This will cost 3 times as much as the single unit cost of buying the original. So we'll only be able to buy single figure quantities. We'll get rid of 10 infantry battalions to pay for them, thereby 'doing more with less', in the words of one of our greatest living former madmen. Then, being scarce and precious, they will only be commited to operations in benign environments.
The funding being apportioned, and organisational streamlining actioned, the actual fielding will be delayed indefinitely as part of the next defence review (due to take place any time between dinner time today and 2012). However, maintaining the new production lines and stock will be actioned by selling an improved (halal) variant to various middle eastern regimes, reducing our overall balance of payments. So all in all, another great success.

Perhaps I should swap the coffee for camomile, as the wife suggests...