'Failed states' and 'ungoverned spaces' are not exclusive to the developed world, a point IMHO and reading the thread has not been explicit.

In many cities the extent of nation-state control is minimal; this has featured in a thread on Brazilian and Mexican cities. In the UK, albeit for a short period Republican urban areas in Northern Ireland were un-governed (not un-funded i.e. state benefits) and South Armagh (border county) for nearly all 'The Troubles' would fit the definition of 'un-governed'.

In policing terms you can find such areas are called 'No Go', which may have originated from Northern Ireland and of course denials they exist.

How about the Indian tribal territories in Canada? MarcT made this comment recently and IIRC referred to the Mohawk nation blocking a cross-border road.

Just a thought we need to watch closer to home.
