According to this article Franklin gave the material to Rosen because he was “desperate in early 2003 to get his information about Iranian preparations to kill Americans in Iraq into the hands of a White House policy-maker”, and Rosen could do so. Franklin said he couldn’t give it to high level policy makers because "Again, I was just - even though I had access to Wolfowitz and could go up to his office, I was just a little guy."

However, in the ‘Secret Rome Meeting’ article Franklin states that Wolfowitz often called Franklin directly at home to discuss Iran matters. This suggests the relationship between Franklin and Wolfowitz had some degree of cordiality, and that Wolfowitz had some regard for Franklin’s professional opinion. Yet Franklin could not bring himself to directly pass along material which could potentially save American lives, to a person that respected his professional opinion and was on cordial enough terms to call him at his house. That doesn’t smell right to me.