I wish my uncle Hank were alive to weigh in on this. He carried an M1 Garand through several long years of jungle opns with the 27th regiment (Wolfhounds) of the 25th ID in WWII, and I mark his survival to the fact that he was probably hands down, the very best woodsman and marksman in all of Douglas County, Oregon. Uncanny eyesight and hearing, and an understanding of the environment born of a lifetime of hunting for his family's dinner and working in the woods as a timber faller.

I doubt he laid down much "suppressive fire," understanding that it gives away one's own position to do so. Particularly when you are not sure where the guys shooting at you are. I suspect he got very small and still, waited for some poor bastard to give away his own position, and then planted a .30 cal round vic. the middle of the guy's forehead, or whatever other body part he was careless enough to expose.