groups of any sort cannot be moral, immoral or amoral; ergo all are subject to discrimination on moral grounds by individuals based on the individuals perceptions. That implies that groups of individuals can have a collective perspective on the moral status of another group which may or may not be correct in the view of another group.

Thus I'm with Goesh.
Quote Originally Posted by goesh View Post
- ah, a 'loaded' question from the get-go, maybe ken's last response should be, " I'm going to get some MORE bourbon."
And I yam not loaded, thanksh you berry much. Iz that a mo-ral judge meant?
By the way, Ken, what brand do you drink?
Anything but Melrose or Colonel Lee

Seriously, Blantons for sipping, Makers Mark for serious imbibition on cost grounds. Used to be I.W. Harper but the Japanese are buying all that...