Quote Originally Posted by marct View Post
(Taken from) On a semi-related note, I was watching a documentary calledThe Taliban Generation on Monday that has some interesting insights into how they are effecting culture change. It may be worth contacting CBC and seeing if you can get a copy of it, since it doesn't seem to be available online yet.

The documentary was broadcast in march 2009 here, on Channel Four, but is no longer on the Despatches website to view: http://www.channel4.com/programmes/d...ban-generation There is a very short clip: http://www.channel4.com/programmes/d...ruitment-drive
and an interview with the reporter: http://www.pbs.org/frontlineworld/bl...anas_tali.html

Found a copy, ignore the adverts: http://www.ninjavideo.net/video/20184 Looking onwards there are other sites with it too.

For RR the production company is UK-based and has done several other Afghan documentaries: http://www.octoberfilms.co.uk/index.php Might be best to ask them for a copy?
