I would bet a crisp $100 that not one John Q Civilian ever sent a nasty letter to Rummsfeld demanding a merger of Psyop and IO. Isn't that odd and why is that? Why do civilians avoid/ignore interaction with the US military?
Being a John Q Civilian is one of the few things I am actually qualified to talk about so I will give my opinions.

It never occured to me to send a letter to Rumsfeld about anything. Most of us flyover people, when we have questions or concerns about the military, send letters to our elected representatives, the senator or congressman. Would a letter to Rumsfeld have had any effect or would that exalted member of the manderinate just blown it off as a grumble from a peasant?

A merger of Psyop and IO is a pretty arcane point for most of us, important, but not something that would be of primary concern.

One of the many reasons civilians don't think about these things is simply because so many military bases are remote. In the whole northeast and mid-west how many large bases are there near big cities? The people of Colorado Springs are much more concerned than the people of Indianapolis simply because Ft. Carson is in town.

One thing I learned here in Africa that I never knew before was the attitude of many well educated Americans toward the military. It is not only one of ignorance but active hostility. This I guess comes from the universities.

I was talking once with two NGO workers, both with masters degrees, and a British Army officer. The officer was working for the UN at the time and he mentioned that NGO and military organizations could profit by trading information and training. Both the NGO workers got looks of horrified disgust on their faces, only barely concealed. Those looks never left their faces as the officer explained exactly how the NGO's would benefit. I don't think they ever really heard anything he said.